Adventures of a Virtual Entrepreneur

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's been about 3 months since I joined the virtual world ( Metaverse) called Second Life. To say that this time has been one of the most exciting of my life would be a gross understatement. It has been a revelation.

The first time you see Second Life , you can have two possible reactions. The first would be a shot of adrenaline racing through your body and the other something akin to the feeling when someone slaps you in a bus for no reason.... Huh?!! Well, be that as it may, about 3 months have passed since my first "Huh?!" and subsequent change of mind.

SL has for the most part consumed me. It's a hugely liberating kind of consumption. It is the release I was seeking for a few years now. All that I wanted to build , create and achieve was suddenly so tangibly within grasp.

All this ofcourse, didn't happen the first time I logged in . I logged in looked at the world was not overtly impressed by the graphic engine. Met an angel ( actually she was a ) who took me to a sandbox and showed me the basic. I was impressed , but not enough to go back very often. Certainly, not enough to spend as much time as I spent on other activities/games.


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